Pincode :627751
Established in Year :1992
Management :Pvt. Unaided
Medium of Instruction:English
Total no of students:115
Map data ©2013 Google Imagery ©2013 Cnes/Spot Image, DigitalGlobe, Landsat

School Category :Primary only
Residential:No , Not Applicable
No of Teachers:9
No of non teaching staff:0
No of class rooms:9
No of non-class rooms:2
No of black boards:11
Library:Yes , No of books: 45
No of computers:1
Student Teacher Ratio:13
Student Classroom Ratio:13


The school ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is located in the area KADAYANALLUR of KADAYANALLUR. ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is in the TIRUNELVELI district of TAMIL NADU state. pincode is 627751. ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR KADAYANALLUR was establised in the year 1992. The management of ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is Pvt. Unaided.

ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is a Primary only school. The coeducation status of ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is Co-Educational. The residential status of ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is No. and the residential type of ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is Not Applicable. The total number of students in ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR KADAYANALLUR is 115. The total number of teachers in ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR KADAYANALLUR is 9. The total number of non teaching staff in ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is 0. The medium of instruction in ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is English.

The total number of class rooms in ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is 9. The total number of other rooms in ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is 2. The total number of black boards in ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is 11. The total number of books in the library of ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is 45. The total number of computers in ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR KADAYANALLUR is 1. The student teacher ratio of ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR KADAYANALLUR is 13.00000. The student classroom ratio of ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is 13.00000. The pass percentage of ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is 0.00000. The percentage of students who scored first class in ANNAI N&P S,MELAKADAYANALLUR is 0.00000.

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